Friday, March 7, 2014

ACA Update- How Association Health Plans Can Help

Affordable Care Act Update

Mike Bitters/Steve Church

We want to provide you with the information you need to both be in compliance and make the best possible decisions on health insurance options for the Kentucky market place.   

Individual Mandate:

·         The ACA requires everyone to be enrolled in a health plan by March 31, 2014
·         If you do not have coverage there will be a penalty. 
·         The last enrollment date for individual plans is 3/31 for a 4/15 effective date. 
·         If you are not enrolled by 3/31/2014 you will have to wait until this fall to enroll.   

The Exchange Marketplace

 Kynect gives you a choice of the following insurance companies:
o   Anthem/Pathway
o   Kentucky Health Cooperative
o   Humana (HMO options only in Louisville, Lexington and Northern Kentucky).  

To be eligible for any subsidy, you must enroll through the Kynect website.  Subsides are based on income and family makeup. 

The Off Exchange Marketplace

The carriers that are writing individual plans outside of Kynect are :
o   Humana (PPO & HMO)
o   Anthem/Pathway
o   Assurant. 
When considering which market place is best for you, pay attention to the plan designs and the provider networks available. Do not assume that your doctor or hospital is taking the plan you chose simply because it is an Anthem or Humana plan.  They have significantly changed their provider networks for these products   YOU MAY NOT HAVE ANY COVERAGE IF YOU GO OUT OF STATE.

Don’t take a chance on this, get with a professional insurance broker (like Logan Lavelle Hunt) and discuss thoroughly.  Only a licensed broker in Kentucky, under the ACA, can make a recommendation to a client, so call Logan Lavelle Hunt for sound guidance.

Small Group Employers (2-50):

January 1, 2014 began the full implementation of health care reform nationwide.
o   Community Rating is how health insurance rates are set for this size company
o   Carriers can no longer use health history to set your premiums. 
o   Age, geographic location and smoker/non smoker are only factors used do determine rates.  

Because of this rating methodology many (a majority) of employers accepted an “early renewal” for December 1, 2013 to avoid the negative effect this will have on your premiums. For employers who did not accept this “early renewal” or got busy and did not pay attention, there have been renewal increases from 30-80%.

Small Business has not been offered an extension or waiver to put off the effects of the ACA.  This segment of employers is getting hit the hardest due to ACA.

The unique benefit of being a member of a Trade Association that has a group insurance program is that the group medical plan for members avoids these rating provisions.
o   The Association Plan is  treated as a large group health plan under the ACA
o   The Association Plan is able to use medical history to set premiums. 
Although not a perfect fit for every employer, this is a strong option that members need to look into.  Logan Lavelle Hunt, our agent, has had recent success with a member who received an 80% increase as a result of community rating and the ACA.  Through the Association  plan that member only experienced a 9% increase for the same benefit selection.

 Large Group Employers (50-99)

Another delay in ACA implementation was handed down on February 10, 2014 for companies of this size.  If you have a company that is in this category, you are probably familiar with the “Play or Pay” provision that is in the law.  Basically, “play or pay” means that you either provide a minimum health insurance plans to all full time employees (play)  OR pay a fine to the government if you choose not to provide employees the coverage.  This has been very problematic for the administration politically and therefore changes were made for this segment of companies.

The changes are as follows:
o   “Play or Pay" deadline has been pushed back to January 1, 2016
o   Community Rating (described above) will take effect on January 1, 2016 

The Association group medical plan can be an attractive option today for larger employers, why wait?  Take all of the guess work out of ACA by joining our program now.  

With all the changes in the individual and group market place using a professional insurance broker is more important than ever.  Remember to contact Logan Lavelle Hunt, our exclusively endorsed agent, if you want more information on your Association Group Plan.