Friday, August 2, 2013

So What Will Really Happen?

As a Health Insurance agent, I get this question almost daily.  People come up to me and say ‘I heard that blah, blah, blah is going to happen and I am better off blah, blah, blah.  (Insert your own predetermined bad outcome for the blah,blah,blah’s)   The truth is, we don’t’ know how all the market changes that will come with Obamacare are going to shake out.  The only thing that we do know is that things will CHANGE!
The Logan Lavelle Hunt team has been working on ways to minimize the impact of the law and we have some definite ideas that could be a great solution for you and your employees.  But first, I think that it is important to understand what is the likely impact of the law will be.  I was sent a link by a very wise man that explains the overall concept very well.  Take a few minutes to look at this.
The interesting statistics that jump out at me are the percentages:
1.       50% of Americans will continue to get health insurance from their employer.  Which is about the same as exists today.
2.       30% of Americans will get insurance though a government program, or a government entity.  Think school board, state or local government, Medicare/Medicaid.
3.       10% of Americans will shop in the Health Care Exchange environment
4.       10% of Americans will still choose to remain without insurance
Small business in Kentucky and Indiana will see some pricing pressure sometime in 2014.  Many insurance carriers are offering “Off Cycle” renewal options to delay the effects of the new rating provisions that are imposing.  Don’t be caught off guard by this tactic, it could be a temporary reprieve from a potentially permanent problem.
Logan Lavelle Hunt has a few creative options that could save you some money.  Don’t wait until you feel the pain of a 40% rate increase.  Take a proactive stance and contact us. We have professionals ready to answer your Obamacare questions.  We focus on you!

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